Anchor is an authorized distributor and installer for Weather Guard. We offer a huge selection of their toolboxes including saddle boxes, lo-side boxes, hi-side boxes, chests, under-body boxes, Knaack Jobmaster chest boxes, and much more. Most of the toolboxes are available in a black or shiny aluminum finish. Some are also available in a matte black finish. Weather Guard is a top of the line toolbox. Thick metal and heavy-duty components mean they are sturdier than their competitors. They are extremely durable and will last a very long time. A high-grade rubber seal keeps your tools and other storage items dry and their renown push-button lock system will keep your items safe from thieves. We keep many of these toolboxes in stock, so come by today and see for yourself!

Anchor is an authorized distributor and installer for UWS. We offer a huge selection of their toolboxes including crossover boxes, inner-side boxes, topsider boxes, chests, under-body boxes, trailer boxes, and transfer tanks. Most of the toolboxes are available in a black or shiny aluminum finish. At this price point, it is hard to beat a UWS box. They re-enforce the entire lid, while other competitors only re-enforce part of the lid. The sides and lids of the UWS boxes are more sturdy than most of their competitors in a comparable price range. Upgrade to their SecureLock product line for twist handle latches and interior insulation. If you are interested in a transfer tank, combine it with a Fill-Rite fuel pump that can be wired to your vehicle as either hot all the time or on a toggle switch. We keep many of these toolboxes in stock, so call or come by Anchor today to see how we can help you with your toolbox needs!